We guarantee the highest quality and most reliable High Rise/Life Safety Services in the area
In the City of Los Angeles, the only person permitted to create and approve a high-rise evacuation plan is an individual with a valid Certificate of Fitness as per the Los Angeles Fire Code, Section 117. They are then certified to conduct fire safety training and related duties such as reviewing and approve high-rise evacuation plans.
Building owners are required to maintain an approved and up-to-date emergency plan and the Fire Safety Director is responsible for the production, updates and implementation of the information in the fire manual.
At Affordable Fire Services we provide all services related to the High-Rise Life/ Safety Services program, including : Fire Safety Trainings for Staff and Residents, Emergency Manuals, Building Inventory Forms (B.I.F.), Evacuation signage, as well as Requirement #75.

High-Rise Safety Program

Fire Safety Director
"The Fire Safety Director shall be responsible for the establishment, implementation and maintenance of the Emergency Plan, the Annual Emergency Evacuation Drills, Training and All Documentation required by the Emergency Plan." The Fire Safety Director plays a vital role in ensuring the safety of all occupants within a building during fire emergencies. Our High-Rise life/safety service consultants are authorized by the Los Angeles Fire Department to provide training, test and valid certification to keep compliance with the Emergency Plan.

Building Emergency Evacuation Plan
The main reason for the Building Emergency Plan is to save lives. Without a clear plan, training efforts would lack consistency, leaving many unsure about their roles during an actual emergency. The Building Emergency Plan sets a standard for accountability. To ensure readiness, regular training and fire drills are essential, as mandated by the fire code (Los Angeles Fire Code, Sections 57.408.5.1 through 57.408.5.4, 57.408.8.6 , 57.408.9). With over 200 Emergency Manual prepared and along regular communication with the LAFD high-rise unit, we guarantee the highest level of competence and reliability.

Floor Warden
The Floor Wardens pay a crucial role in building safety, particularly during emergencies like fires. A minimum of one floor warden per floors shall be designated to perform the duties required by the program. The Floor Wardens shall receive training at least once a year to maintain a valid certificate. Their presence and quick action can mean the difference between a successful evacuation and a potentially hazardous situation. Alternate Floor Wardens shall also obtain a certificate and be prepared to assume the Floor Warden duties when necessary.

Fire Drills
Commercial and residential buildings are required to conduct mandatory fire drills at least annually to acquaint employees with their duties and to help uncover weaknesses in the system. The main purpose of the Fire Drill is to instill in the minds of everyone the correct procedures to insure the safety to all the occupants. Fire strikes when least expected, presenting a potential threat to the life of everyone within the building and that is crucial that fire drills shouldn't be taken lightly. Fire Drills are the only means of getting practice before hand for what to do in case of a fire.